Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm waiting fo her to ps.

Do you consistently checking your kid's poo? tracking when he/she poo? whether the poo is hard of soft? Ya, call me the weird one. I'm one of those weird mother that's always concern about my daughter bowel movement. I start to worry when daughter skip a day without poo, counting how many days she didn't have her bowel movement, waiting everytime when she wakes up hopefully she will poo the next minutes. If there is still no sign of pooing of her, i will feel like i can't sit, can't eat , can't stand, immediately complain to my husband when he gets home that our daughter still not pooing today.
I wonder whether all mothers are the same. Or maybe i'm that super duper weird mother that's overly concerned and worried.

note: ps = pang sai (in hokkien).

1 comment:

Annie Q said...

Hi, first time here. Thanks for dropping by my blog.

Don't worry, u're not alone. When my boys are small i always worry whether they poo or not, especially my elder son he do have a record for not pooing for 5 days till i have to bring him to see doctor. Now when they grow older they are ok, but i still always ask are they doing their big biz on the day or not. :) Give them more fruits, then should be ok. :) This is just my two cents.