Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I pray

I pray that i will have everything ready before the baby decided to come out to see the world. The baby room or so called confinement lady 's room will need to be rearranged. The bottles, sterlizers, pump will need to be bring out to check to make sure they are still function. The baby cot still need to be assembled. Arhhh. tons of things to do

I pray that baby will not get too big until i cannot have the normal delivery. I don't want to have the c-sec but i'm gaining too much weight this round , much more than when i had my Xinyi.

I pray that i will have a smooth breastfeeding journey this round. Last time was not a succesful one until i had no choice but to exclusively pump for Xinyi. So much extra work as i had to sterilized the pump, the bottle each time and need to feed the baby after pumping pula. Double work!!

I pray that baby will not have jaundice this time. I can't bear to leave the baby in the hospital and i had to travel more than 2 hours everday just to see the baby and bring the express milk to hospital.

I pray that that baby will no have any allergic problem just like her sister.

I pray that the baby will have good health. I pray that all my family will have a good health too..

I pray.. pray and pray......

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