Monday, January 26, 2009

What a new year

Two days before chinese new year, we have been busy cleaning the house and when i change xinyi diaper, i realize that she doesn't pee much. Well, actually i should say almost no pee at all. I thought i must be too busy to lure her to drink more water. ( oh ya, she still need to be told to drink water or else she can go for a long hours without feeling thirsty). At night , when she is having her milk. She complain that her mouth is painful and when i check on her, she got an ulcer at her lower lips. She refuse to drink her milk after that and went to bed.
On the next day which is the new year eve. She refuse to drink any water, or having any meal. I thought her ulcer must be rather painful for her. At night, i decided to force open her mouth to check on the ulcer, then only i realized that she is not only having one, but having quite a few of them. I immediately say to myself , oh gosh, don't tell me is hand foot mouth disease again. CHecked her foot and hand, so far no rashes yet, and no fever as well. I start to panic, holiday ler, where to bring her to see doctor. How am i suppose to isolate her with my baby.
Today morning, which is the first day of CNY, she started to develop fever. Gave her paracetamol and control her temp. She don't have any appetite at all and refuse to eat anything. Asking her to eat, is just like asking the sun to rise from west. Impossible. The spit out all the food that we force into her. She even refuse to drink water. At least she is still wiling to take her paracetamol. Me and hub just worried sick that she might be dehydrated. And for Xinru, she just stay one of the bedroom. We only walked into the room to feed her. Most of the time, she is left alone , entertaining herself when she wakes up. I feel so bad about this but no choice. I don't want her to get close to Xinyi at all. And it need both me and hub to take care of Xinyi as she has been very difficult to handle.
Both of us are so tired. We spent hours and hours trying to ask Xinyi to eat and drink. Sometime it took us few hours just to ask her to drink a few sip. And that also we threaten her by turning off the TV and only on the TV back on when she is corporate. Don't even think about solid food. She just took like 2 bites of bread. She is also glued to TV whole day. WIthout TV, i think she won't even take in anything at all.
What a new year we have this year. Hub said this is the worse New year he ever had in his life. Ya, me too. We are mentally and physically exhausted.
I hope Xinyi will get better tomorrow. I hope Xinru can spare from going through this. Keep my finger cross.
Happy Chinese New Year ...

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