Sunday, November 18, 2007

Her love for the quilt

Xinyi is so in love with my quilt. To be precise, she just love to bite on my quilt. Whenever she is on the bed, she will try to locate my quilt then quickly lay her head on it so she can bite it.
Even when I try to dress her on my bed after the bath. She will escape then reach for the quilt and bite on it.
Just now, after 5 mins she is in the dreamland. She suddenly sat up, look around the bed for my quilt, spot it, lay her head on it (bite on it) and continue to sleep. I have to move her together with the quilt back to her proper sleeping position. And she is still biting on my quilt. Don't you think she is cute this way?

xinyi love of quilt

Oh ya, my mother keep on reminding me to wash the quilt since Xinyi love to bite on it. And mum, just incase you read this blog, yes, i did wash it from time to time.

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