Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My glorious days are gone

Of me able to make close to 50Oz of milk per day. I'm so sad. Now i can only make probably 25Oz or less. It's just about meeting Xinru needs with very little extra left maybe. Why declining? I just don't have time to pump that frequent anymore. You see, Xinru rejected the breast totally at 3rd months after i was away in hospital with Xinyi for a few days. Before that i was doing mixing of pumping/feed with bottle and direct nursing. Since she rejected the breast , i just pump for her to drink from bottle. I was manage to make it to 5 pumps a day , then i have to reduce to 4 pump when i'm getting too tired and i think i needed a nap in the afternoon. Then i further reduce it to 3 times only when i no longer sending xinyi to half day day care and only let her join in the 3 hour playgroup program , which means i now have to cook for her and bath her and also she is spending more time at home.
I try to increase the pump but i just can't find time. There is no way that i can sit down and pump when both kids are crying , yelling , screaming needed me accompany them. My worried that is that the milk supply will further decreased and eventually gone. I'm not ready to stop yet. My initial goal is to make it to at least 1 year. 1 and a half year will be the best. I don't want to go through the history of giving formula to my baby and later only realized that she is allergic to cow milk/soy milk and having bad constipation when she is on formula. I go through once with my elder daughter and until now she still can't get rid of her bad allergies and also the constipation because drinking soy milk ( her soy milk allergies is more minor compare to cow milk).
So sad. Hub is supportive to onleave a day so that i can do more pumping. But a day just won't help anything, isn't it?

1 comment:

Peridot&Sapphire said...

Wow! 50oz that's alot! I never achieve that coz I'm so lazy to pump! I only pump when I realized I need to be away from my boy next day or next week... I pump for emergency use coz most of the time my boy is with me. So, in other words, my elder dd feels neglected, which is not so good too.
When Xinru started on solid the milk intake also reduce. You don't have to worry too much coz stress also will cause your milk production go low, ok? Relax and you will be able to think on what to do next...